Atonement Lutheran Church
9948 Metcalf Ave.
Overland Park, Kansas 66212
Martin Ott Opus 94 2001
Completed 2007
3M/P, 38 stops, 55 ranks, 1 extension
Mechanical Key action
Electric stop action
Associated Links
Bordun | 16 | Grossgedackt | 8 | |
Prinzipal | 8 | Viola di Gamba | 8 | |
Rohrflöte | 8 | Voix Celeste | 8 | |
Oktave | 4 | Prinzipal | 4 | |
Spitzflöte | 4 | Flöte | 4 | |
Quinte | 2 2/3 | Oktave | 2 | |
Oktave | 2 | Blockflöte | 2 | |
Nachthorn | 2 | Mixtur | IV | |
Mixtur | IV | Fagott | 16 | |
Kornet | V | Trompette | 8 | |
Trompete | 8 | Hautbois | 8 | |
Schwellwerk to Hauptwerk | | Tremulant | | |
Ruckpositiv to Hauptwerk | | | ||
Tremulant | | | ||
Gedackt | 8 | Prinzipalbass | 16 | |
Prinzipal | 4 | Subbass | 16 | |
Rohrflöte | 4 | Oktavbass | 8 | |
Waldflöte | 2 | Pommer | 8 | |
Nasat | 1 1/3 | Choralbass | 4 | |
Scharff | IV | Mixtur | IV | |
Sesquialtera | II | Posaune | 16 | |
Krummhorn | 8 | Trompete | 8 | |
Schwellwerk to Ruckpositiv | | Hauptwerk to Pedal | | |
Tremulant | | Schwellwerk to Pedal | | |
| Ruckpositiv to Pedal | | ||
| Zimbelstern | | ||
Reversible thumb & toe pistons for Pedal Couplers
Combination action: 8 modes, 100 levels