Bachathon XLVI
2:00 PM14:00

Bachathon XLVI


Each year, the Greater Kansas City chapter of the American Guild of Organists presents a program of the music of J.S. Bach. Please join us for this beloved event.

This event is open to the public, with free admission.

Donations are gladly accepted and much appreciated.

For the most current information, use the link below and visit our Bachathon page:

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Holden Evening Prayer Service by Marty Haugen
5:30 PM17:30

Holden Evening Prayer Service by Marty Haugen

Join the Greater Kansas City American Guild of Organists chapter and Trinity Lutheran Church for a service of worship at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mission Kansas.  The Holden Evening Prayer Service by Marty Haugen will be featured.   This service is a simple Lutheran vespers service written in 1985-86 that follows traditional form while using contemporary and inclusive language.


Marty Haugen is a liturgical composer, workshop presenter, performing and recording artist, and author from Eagan, Minnesota. Marty has presented hundreds of workshops and concerts across North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim. He has over 30 recordings and more than 400 separate printed editions. He has a number of published mass settings for Roman Catholic communities, including Mass of Creation, and several worship settings for Lutheran congregations, including Holden Evening Prayer and Now the Feast and Celebration, as well as a communion setting for the new Evangelical Worship Book.

A chapter dinner will follow this service for members and their guests.


At the dinner, there will be an installation of the board of directors for the 2025-26 fiscal year and program season.

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Silent Movie Event
2:00 PM14:00

Silent Movie Event

The Kansas City Theater Pipe Organ, Inc (KCTPO) and the Greater Kansas City Chapter of The American Guild of Organists are pleased to co-sponsor a silent movie played on the 1927 Loews Midland Robert Morton Theatre Pipe organ at the Music Hall. Other classical and theatre organ selections will be offered. This organ is a joy to listen to and a Kansas City treasure.

Organist: Dave Wickerham

Movie: Safety Last

Robert Morton 1927

Relocated from the Midland Theatre

4M/P, 28 ranks, 321 stop tabs,
Over 2100 pipes 
Rebuilt, Reinstalled in Kansas City in the Music hall in1995

Organ Specifications

This event is open to the public and has free admission.

Free-will donations will be collected at the door.

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Dr Robert August Organ Concert and Lecture
7:30 PM19:30

Dr Robert August Organ Concert and Lecture

Dr Robert August

Join the Greater Kansas City American Guild of Organists chapter for an organ concert with lecture by Dr. Robert August at Village Presbyterian Church.  Dr. August will share information about past and current Dutch composers.   Dr. August was educated in the Netherlands and currently is Associate Director of Music and Organist at St Michael and All Angels Episcopal church in Dallas, TX.

Educated in the Netherlands and the United States, Robert August has an extensive background in keyboard performance, conducting, and teaching. He has served as Carillonneur at Brigham Young University, and as organist and conductor at several churches. He has performed in Europe and the United States as a solo artist and accompanist, has toured and recorded with the Harvard University Choir, the Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra, the Texas Boys Choir, the Texas Camerata, and has made guest appearances with the Fort Worth and Irving Symphonies. While pursuing his doctoral degree at the New England Conservatory of Music, he served as Assistant University Organist and Choirmaster at The Memorial Church at Harvard University, and simultaneously served as Music Tutor at Harvard’s Dunster House. He served as Director of Music and Organist at First Presbyterian Church in Ft. Worth and most recently as Director of Music at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Austin. In 2010 his doctoral thesis, An Old Look at Schumann’s Organ Works, was published in the United States and Europe, celebrating the composer’s 200th birthday. Robert frequently serves as adjudicator for choral and organ competitions. He often concertizes with his wife, Dolores, performing a variety of music from early to modern, including organ, piano, harpsichord, flute, piccolo, and baroque flute.

A chapter dinner will precede this event for members and their guests. Reservations has closed for this event.

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Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza
10:00 AM10:00

Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza

  • Westport Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Greater Kansas City American Guild of Organists chapter is sponsoring a workshop:

Explore with us as we introduce area piano students to the "King of Instruments." We will share the unique capabilities of the pipe organ, compare that to the piano and let the piano students perform a prepared piano piece on the pipe organ. The students will get to explore both instruments, learn more about the pipe organ and enjoy some pizza.

The workshop will begin at:

Westport Presbyterian Church

201 Westport Rd

Kansas City, MO 64111 (map)

Organ Specifications

And end at:

St. Andrews Episcopal Church

6401 Wornall Terrace

Kansas City, MO 64113 (map)

Organ Specifications

Unfortunately, registration has closed for this event.

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Member's Recital
7:30 PM19:30

Member's Recital

  • St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Members of the Greater Kansas City American Guild of Organists chapter will present a member’s recital on Monday, November 18, 2024.  Enjoy a night of beautiful music provided by members of our very own chapter.  The program will feature pieces from the church’s liturgical seasons and festivals.

The newly installed Rodgers Organ is the Infinity 489

This four-manual instrument includes options for a variety of style characteristics: American Eclectic, French Romantic, English Cathedral, and German Baroque.

This event is open to the public and has free admission.

A chapter dinner will precede this event for members and their guests. Reservations

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Organists and Conductors as Partners
7:30 PM19:30

Organists and Conductors as Partners

The Greater Kansas City American Guild of Organists chapter is sponsoring a workshop: “Collaborative Colleagues: The Conductor/Organist Partnership” This workshop will be led by Ben Spalding and Jan Kraybill and will explore the crucial relationship between a conductor and organist to ensure musical collaborations and well-planned, efficient, and, above all, artistically satisfying for all parties involved.  All conductors and organists (plus choir members) are welcome to attend. 

A chapter dinner will precede this event for members and their guests.

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Trevor Good In Concert
7:30 PM19:30

Trevor Good In Concert

  • Leawood United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Greater Kansas City American Guild of Organists chapter is sponsoring a concert by Trevor Good. Trevor received first place in the 2023 AGO/Quimby North Central Regional Competition for Young Organists. This past July, he performed at the National AGO convention held in San Francisco, CA.   Trevor Good is an undergraduate organ student at the University of Kansas, where he studies with James Higdon. He is also the organist at Church of the Resurrection Brookside in Kansas City, Missouri.

For more information about Trevor, please visit his Facebook page.


Symphony No. 1 - Rachel Laurin

i. Prelude

ii. Scherzo

iii. Aria

iv. Toccata


Symphony No. 6 - Charles-Marie Widor

i. Allegro

ii. Adagio

iii. Intermezzo

iv. Cantabile

v. Finale

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French Organ Music Festival XII
2:00 PM14:00

French Organ Music Festival XII

  • Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The twelfth anniversary of the French Organ Music Festival will take place on Sunday, August 25, 2024, from 2 pm to 5 pm at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 11th and Broadway in downtown Kansas City. The Greater Kansas City Chapter of the AGO and the Cathedral co-sponsor this annual event.

The Festival, started by AGO chapter member and Cathedral music director Dr. Mario Pearson, will present organists Trevor Good, Thomas Vozzella, Kurt Knecht, Fr. Brent Stull, Beth Elswick, and Andrew Morris.

The Festival features a live video feed from the organ console, including program notes about the performers and composers. It is an event for organists, music enthusiasts, and those curious about the pipe organ.

Limited parking is available at the Cathedral. Free parking is available on 12th and Broadway next to the Folly Theater. Click here for parking instructions and barcode.

For detailed program notes and the most current information click on the link below:

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Sacred Banquet - The Music of Corpus Christi
7:00 PM19:00

Sacred Banquet - The Music of Corpus Christi

  • Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Christ on our lips - The Music of Corpus Christi

This one feast day has inspired an amazing collection of religious texts and a variety of musical settings.

Please join us for a concert featuring Antanina Kalechyts, organ, Matthew Christopher Shepard, conductor and The Te Deum Chamber Choir. A pre-concert lecture at 6:30 pm will be given by Fr. Paul Turner.

Please download this flyer for more information about the program.

This program is co-sponsored by Te Deum and the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

This program is open to public with free admission and no ticket required.

With our many thanks to Te Deum, Matthew Christopher Shepard, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Mario Pearson and all of our chapter members that have coordinated for this program. It promises to be outstanding.

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Bachathon XLV
1:30 PM13:30

Bachathon XLV

Engage with us as our chapter presents Bachathon XLV. We will share some of the musical masteries of JS Bach for organ, choral ensemble and more during this beloved annual event sponsored by our chapter.

Click here to jump to this event page on our website for more information.

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Movie: "The Kid" with Brett Valliant as accompanist
7:00 PM19:00

Movie: "The Kid" with Brett Valliant as accompanist

"The Kid" is a 1921 American silent comedy-drama film written, produced, directed by and starring Charlie Chaplin, and features Jackie Coogan as his foundling baby, adopted son and sidekick. This was Chaplin's first full-length film as a director. It was a huge success and was the second-highest-grossing film in 1921. Now considered one of the greatest films of the silent era, it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in 2011.

Brett Valliant is an organist enjoying opportunities to play the music he loves on the instrument he loves. Whether at an organ in a concert hall, a majestic church organ, or a mighty Wurlitzer in a theatre, Brett is right at home.

This program is open to public with free admission and no ticket required.

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Elisa Bickers in recital
7:00 PM19:00

Elisa Bickers in recital

Village Presbyterian Church - 75th Anniversary Celebration.

Make plans to join with us as Village Church celebrates this milestone anniversary. This concert will include pieces featured on organ recitals throughout Village Church’s history, as well as pieces written specifically to celebrate this current organ, and to honor the church’s 75th anniversary.

This recital will be performed by our amazing chapter member Dr. Elisa Williams Bickers, FAGO.. Elisa is the associate director of music and principal organist at Village Presbyterian Church. She directs the Alegría young adult choir and the Village Ringers handbell ensemble. Additionally, she is the keyboardist for the Bach Aria Soloists, a Kansas City chamber music ensemble devoted to performing the works of Bach and composers inspired by him. She has degrees in church music and organ performance from Texas Christian University and the University of Kansas. Read more about Elisa on the Village Church website.

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Katie Webb in recital
7:30 PM19:30

Katie Webb in recital

Join with us for a recital performed by Dr. Katie (Katherine) Webb (nee Burk). A native of Lawrence, KS, she received a DMA in organ performance, with minor fields in choral conducting and music theory, at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, where she was a student of Christopher Young. She also was named to The Diapason’s “Twenty Under Thirty” Class of 2019 in recognition of outstanding achievement in the fields of church music and organ performance and currently serves as a board member of the Royal School of Church Music in America. She now serves as Canon for Cathedral Music at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, OR, successor there to Bruce Neswick.

Find more information about Katie on the Trinity and Diapason websites.

There will be a chapter dinner prior to this event starting at 6:15 pm.

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Pedals, Pipes and Pizza
10:00 AM10:00

Pedals, Pipes and Pizza

  • Southminster Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore with us as we introduce area piano students to the ‘King of Instruments’. We will share the unique capabilities of the pipe organ, compare that to the piano and let the piano students perform a prepared piano piece on the pipe organ.

For this event we will start at Southminster Presbyterian Church and later arrive at Trinity Lutheran Church. The students will get to explore both instruments, learn more about the pipe organ and enjoy some pizza.

Check out the PPP page on this website for more information and to register for this event.

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Getting Away from the Notes
7:30 PM19:30

Getting Away from the Notes

  • Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel - Park University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Practical improvising skills with Robert Nicholls, presenter.

Robert Nicholls is the 2012 winner of the AGO Improvisation Competition.  He is a former adjunct professor teaching improvisation for Indiana University and is the Music Director/Organist at First Presbyterian Church, Evansville, IN.

Find more information about Robert on Vox Humana, Facebook or First Presbyterian Church websites.

There will be a chapter dinner prior to this event starting at 6:15 pm.

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Practical Practice Skills
7:30 PM19:30

Practical Practice Skills

  • Village Presbyterian Church on Antioch (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our multi-talented chapter member, Dr. Jan Kraybill, FAGO, will share with us practical keyboard practice skills. Make plans to join with us for tips to improve your practice methods.

Tips for "E-E-E" Practice: All of us have lots of practicing to do and never enough time in which to do it. Jan will offer strategies to make your practice sessions more Effective and Efficient, so that you will more quickly achieve Excellence. This is a chance to renew or kickstart your best practice habits!

Learn more about Jan on her website.

There will be a chapter dinner prior to this event starting at 6:15 pm.

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Board installation
6:00 PM18:00

Board installation

We will meet on May 22, at 6 pm at St. Luke's Episcopal Church at 5325 Nieman Rd. in Shawnee, KS.  It is just north of West Flanders park in Shawnee.  Our current Registrar is their organist and our Secretary was their previous organist. 

The meeting on May 22 will include a delicious dinner at 6, and we will then have the installation of our new board officers.  Afterward we will have a demonstration of the materials given to our chapter by the Reuter Organ Company.  Then we will proceed to the sanctuary for a demonstration of the organ, and some hymn singing!  This should be a very good chance to greet our chapter officers, meet our friends, and hopefully make some new ones!

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Reuter Organ Company Heritage Celebration
7:00 PM19:00

Reuter Organ Company Heritage Celebration

We will gather to celebrate the 105 year heritage of the Reuter Organ Co. Reuter produced more than 2200 new organs and countless rebuilds and additions projects over their long heritage as an organ builder in Lawrence, KS. Historian and organist Max Mayse will present a brief history about the company's earlier years to include many photos plus a video presentation. JR Neutel, the president of the company (now downsized and not producing new instruments) will offer brief remarks and past employees in attendance will be recognized. There will also be a mini concert performed by prize-winning young artist, Dr. Peiyao Yu, on Trinity's 33-rank Reuter Organ after which there will be cake and drinks along with CD give-a-ways.

Peiyao Yu will perform a demonstration-style concert on the 2015 Reuter Organ at Trinity Episcopal Church. She will play excerpts from:

Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 by J.S.Bach
Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte Trinité No.2 by Olivier Messiaen
Variations sur un Noël, Op.20 by Marcel Dupré

Trinity Episcopal Lawrence KS

Dr. Peiyao Yu

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Concert and Presentation of the Hal Gober Organ
3:00 PM15:00

Concert and Presentation of the Hal Gober Organ

  • Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Alleluia! Song of Gladness

Rescued, Restored, and Redeemed

A pre-Lenten lecture-recital by Dr. Kevin Vogt presenting the newly installed Hal Gober pipe organ, Opus 5 (relocated from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Brooklyn, OH) at Holy Angels Catholic Church in Basehor, Kansas.

Sacred Mardi Gras Reception to follow.

Hosted by Holy Angels Catholic Church and the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

Open to the public, free admission.

Read more about the organ here.

Listen to a recording of this instrument from its original location.

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Duo Organists Melody Steed & Ann Marie Rigler
3:00 PM15:00

Duo Organists Melody Steed & Ann Marie Rigler

Please join us for a performance by Duo Organists Ann Marie Rigler & Melody Steed.

Open to the public, free admission.

Dr. Rigler and Dr. Steed formed their organ duo in 2017, following years of collaboration and friendship as fellow faculty members for several AGO Pipe Organ Encounters. Their program will feature works by David Briggs, Charles Callahan, Gustav Merkel, C.H.V. Alkan, Robin Dinda, and Naji Hakim.


David Briggs (b. 1962)

The Emerald Isle
Charles Callahan (b. 1951)

Sonate #1 D-Moll, Op. 30
I.Allegro moderato
III.Allegro con fuoco
Gustav Merkel (1827-1885)

Rhapsody on English Hymn Tunes
Charles Callahan

Charles Henri Valentin Alkan (1813-1888)

Max Cat Rag
Robin Dinda (b. 1959)

Naji Hakim (b. 1955)

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Celebrating César Franck: Instrumental & Choral Works
3:00 PM15:00

Celebrating César Franck: Instrumental & Choral Works

  • Asbury United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Celebrating César Franck: Instrumental & Choral Works

This year we are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of César Franck. Living a fundamentally unassuming life as an organist and professor at the Paris Conservatory, in his later years Franck produced a string of profound works ripe with inspiration, passion, intellectual rigor, and lyricism. Please join us for this program of his instrumental and choral works.

This concert is free and open to the public.

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Scott Dettra presents - Program 2
7:00 PM19:00

Scott Dettra presents - Program 2

César Franck
The Complete Organ Works

In two programs by world renowned organist Scott Dettra. Click here for more information available on Scott’s website about this program.


Choral 3
Fantaisie in C
Choral 2
Fantaisie in A
Prélude, fugue et variation

We hope you can join us for what promises to be wonderful programs!

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Scott Dettra presents - Program 1
7:00 PM19:00

Scott Dettra presents - Program 1

César Franck
The Complete Organ Works

In two programs by world renowned organist Scott Dettra. Click here for more information available on Scott’s website about this program.


Pièce héroïque
Choral 1
Grande pièce symphonique

We hope you can join us for what promises to be wonderful programs!

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