12th Annual French
Organ Music Festival
Sponsored by The Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
French Organ Music Festival XII
Sunday August 25, 2024
2:00 – 5:00 pm
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
416 W. 12th St.
Kansas City, Missouri
(corner of 11th and Broadway)
The Festival features a live video feed from the organ console, including program notes about the performers and composers. It is an event for organists, music enthusiasts, and those curious about the pipe organ. A link will be posted in this spot for the live event.
Limited parking is available at the Cathedral. Free parking is available on 12th and Broadway next to the Folly Theater. Click here for parking instructions and barcode.
Scan the QR code to the right to download the program to your phone.
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Fratelli Ruffatti 2003
(Rebuild of a 1967 Ruffatti originally installed in St. Paul United Methodist in Louisville, Kentucky)
3M/P, 50 pipe ranks
With a Roland MX-200 module
Electropneumatic Key Action
2:00 pm: Fr. Brent Stull with solo cantor
Magnificat sexti toni | Jehan Titelouze (ca. 1562/63-1633)
Ave Maris Stella | Jehan Titelouze (ca. 1562/63-1633)
2:30 pm: Trevor Good
Symphony no. 1, op. 36 | Rachel Laurin (1961-2023)
3:00 pm: Thomas R. Vozzella
Trois Méditations sur la Sainte Trinité (Opus 129) | Jean Langlais (1907-1991)
Le Père – Le Fils – Le Saint Esprit
Cinq Noëls originaux (Opus 21) | Charles Tournemire (1870-1939)
Sortie from Messe Basse (Op. 30) - Louis Vierne
3:30 pm: Beth Loeber Elswick
Ave Maris Stella (Vespres du Commun) Op. 18 | Marcel Dupre' (1886-1971)
Cantor: Val Mathenia
I. When the Salutation Gabriel had Spoken
II. Jesus tender Mother, make Thy Supplication
III. So now as we Journey, aid our weak endeavor
IV. Amen
Fantaisie-Improvisation sur l' " Ave maris stella" | Charles Tournemire (1870-1939)
Reconstitue'es par Maurice Duruflé
4:00 pm: Andrew Morris
Prélude et fugue en fa mineur, op. 7, no. 2 by Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)
Reges Tharsis by Gaston Litaize (1909-1991)
Au Maître de la Paix, mov. 3 "Moisson de joie" by Jean-Pierre Leguay (b. 1939)
4:30 pm: Kurt Knecht
"Transports de joie d'une âme devant la gloire du Christ qui est las sienna” from L'Ascension | Oliver Messiaen (1908-1992)
Prelude and Fugue in g minor Op. 7 No. 3 | Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)
Naïades from 24 pièces de Fantasie Op. 51 | Louis Vierne (1870-1937)
Improvised Toccata on a submitted theme
French Organ Music Festival XI
Sunday August 27, 2023
2:00 – 5:00 pm
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
416 W. 12th St.
Kansas City, Missouri
(corner of 11th and Broadway)
The Festival is live-streamed here during the event,
The French Festival XI video is ready to enjoy - so please do!
2:00pm: Peiyao Yu
Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte Trinité Olivier Messiaen (1908-1982)
II. La Sainteté de Jésus-Christ
Variations sur un Noël, Op.20 Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)
2:30pm: Trevor Good
Suite For Organ, Op. 5 (1932) Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)
3:00pm: Tom Vozzella with Lauren Auge, soprano
Messe No. 1 from Heures Mystiques - Opus 29 Léon Boëllmann (1862-1911) / ed. Vozzella
1. Entrée
2. Offertoire
3. Élévation
4. Communion
5. Sortie
6. Verset I
O Divin Rédempteur! from Messe solennelle de St. Cécile Charles-François Gounod (1818-1893)
Lauren Auge, Soprano
Ô bien-aimé from La Navarraise (Marie-Madeleine) Jules Emile Frederic Massenet (1842-1912)
3:30pm: Paul Turner
Poèmes Évangéliques d'Aprés les Textes Sacrés Op.2 Jean Langlais (1907-1991)
La Nativité
Les Rameaux
4:00pm: Audrey Pickering
Suite Pour Orgue, JA 69 Jehan Alain (1911-1940)
I. Introduction et Variations
II. Scherzo
III. Choral
4:30pm: Jan Kraybill, FAGO
Le Carnaval Des Animaux (the Carnival of the Animals) Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
I. Introduction Et Marche Royale du Lion (Introduction and Royal March of the Lion)
II. Poules et Coqs (Hens and Roosters)
III. Hémiones (Animaux Véloces (Wild Asses (Swift Animals))
IV. Tortues (Tortoises)
V. L'Éléphant (The Elephant)
VI. Kangourous (Kangaroos)
VII. Aquarium
VIII. Personnages à Longues Oreilles (Characters With Long Ears)
IX. Le Coucou Au Fond Des Bois (the Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods)
X. Volière (Aviary)
XI. Pianists (Pianists)
XII. Fossiles (Fossils)
XIII. Le Cygne (The Swan)
XIV. Final (Finale)
Free parking is available in the parking garage east of Broadway on 12th Street. You will need a barcode to exit. The barcode is available on the Cathedral Website or on the link below.
Attendees can pull out a parking ticket any time to get into the garage when the gates are down. Then you need to use the barcode to get out. The machine will display instructions: scan the barcode first then insert the original ticket. If you display the code on your phone, it should let you out. If you try to print the barcode out in advance, please make sure you are using a high-resolution printer, like a laser jet. It would be best to print the barcode on heavy stock paper.
Download Program here
Use the link below to watch a video of the 2022 French Festival.
Sunday August 28, 2022
2:00 – 5:00 pm
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
416 W. 12th St.
Kansas City, Missouri
(corner of 11th and Broadway)
Make plans to join us, live or via livestream, for our 10th annual French Organ Music Festival. Mayor Quinton Lucas has declared August 28, 2022 as French Organ Music Festival Day. This promises to be another wonderful program of French organ music.
Livestream Options
2:00pm: Beth Loeber Elswick
O Christ, Forgive Thy Servants, Op. 38, no.16 - Marcel Dupré
How Fair and How Pleasant Art Thou, Op. 18, no. 5 - Dupré
Ave Maris Stella III - So now as we Journey, aid our weak endeavor, Op. 18, no. 8 - Dupré
Magnificat V - He Remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel, as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed forever. Op. 18, no.14 - Dupré
In Quiet Joy, Op. 28, no. 41 - Dupré
Choral-Improvisation sur le “Victimae paschali” - Charles Tournemire, Reconstituées par Maurice Duruflé
2:30pm: Paul Meier
"Hymne d'action de grâce “Te Deum” op. 5 no. 3 - Jean Langlais
Choral no.1 - César Franck
3:00pm: Ken Walker, organ; Margaret Kocher, cello
Offertoire in E-flat major - César Franck
Prière for Cello and Organ, op. 158 - Camille Saint-Saëns
Symphonie No.6, Op.59: Final - Louis Vierne
3:30pm: Cathedral Schola and St. Andrews choirs -
Tom Vozzella, conductor; Jacob Hofeling, AAGO organist
Messe Solennelle op. 67 - Jean Langlais
4:00pm: Kurt Knecht
Prelude and Fugue in E-flat Major - Camille Saint-Säens
Clair de Lune - Louis Vierne
Toccata - Louis Vierne
4:30pm: Jan Kraybill, FAGO
Postlude for Compline - Jehan Alain
Intermezzo from Symphony No. 6 - Charles-Marie Widor
Prelude and Fugue on the Name ALAIN - Maurice Duruflé
Download to print and share this French Festival flyer.
Please consider a Donation to support this event, select French Festival from the drop down list.
Our many thanks to Mario Pearson, Festival chair, for his continued support of this beloved annual program!
Sunday August 22, 2021
2:00 – 5:00 pm
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
416 W. 12th St.
Kansas City, Missouri
(corner of 11th and Broadway)
The City of Kansas City, Missouri currently requires the wearing of masks indoors; however, it exempts gatherings on religious property. While you are in the Cathedral, masks are not required, but you may wear one as you determine appropriate.
If you cannot attend in person you can watch on the Festival live stream.
Open to the public - $10 suggested donation. You can donate here by clicking on Donate.
Reste comme tu veux, pars quand il te
'Stay as you wish, leave if you must'
2:00 pm Audrey Pickering
Carillon de Westminster Op. 54, No. 6 - Louis Vierne (1870-1937)
Postlude pour l’office de Complies JA 029 - Jehan Alain (1911-1940)
Litanies JA 119 - Jehan Alain
2:30 pm Benton SchmidT
Prélude, adagio et choral varié sur le theme du 'Veni Creator' op. 4 - Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)
3:00 pm Jacob Hofeling
Firmissime/Adesto - Phillipe de Vitry (1291-1361)
Tribum, quem non abhorriuti - Phillipe de Vitry
Moderato pour grand orgue op. 95 - Mélanie Bonis (1858-1937)
Toccata op. 97 - Mélanie Bonis
Te Deum op. 11 - Jeanne Demessieux (1921-1968)
3:30 pm Thomas R. Vozzella
Scherzo, Sortie - Louis James Alfred Lefébure-Wély (1817-1869) ed. Thomas R. Vozzella
Messe Basse (Op. 30) - Louis Vierne ed. Thomas R. Vozzella
I Entrée
II Introit
III Offertorie
IV Elevation
V Communion
VI Sortie
4:00 pm Rachel Schulz
Messe pour les Couvents - Francois Couperin (1668-1733)
Kyrie: Plein Jeu and Fugue sur la trompette
Elevation: Tierce en TailleSymphony No. 10 - Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)
CantilèneLes Corps Glorieux - Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)
Joie et Clarté des Corps Glorieux
4:30 pm Jan Kraybill, FAGO
Suite for Organ Op. 5 - Maurice Duruflé
I. Prélude
II. Sicilienne
III. Toccata
Any questions? Send email to: