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Dr Robert August Organ Concert and Lecture

  • Village Presbyterian Church 6641 Mission Road Prairie Village, KS, 66208 United States (map)

Dr Robert August

Join the Greater Kansas City American Guild of Organists chapter for an organ concert with lecture by Dr. Robert August at Village Presbyterian Church.  Dr. August will share information about past and current Dutch composers.   Dr. August was educated in the Netherlands and currently is Associate Director of Music and Organist at St Michael and All Angels Episcopal church in Dallas, TX.

Educated in the Netherlands and the United States, Robert August has an extensive background in keyboard performance, conducting, and teaching. He has served as Carillonneur at Brigham Young University, and as organist and conductor at several churches. He has performed in Europe and the United States as a solo artist and accompanist, has toured and recorded with the Harvard University Choir, the Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra, the Texas Boys Choir, the Texas Camerata, and has made guest appearances with the Fort Worth and Irving Symphonies. While pursuing his doctoral degree at the New England Conservatory of Music, he served as Assistant University Organist and Choirmaster at The Memorial Church at Harvard University, and simultaneously served as Music Tutor at Harvard’s Dunster House. He served as Director of Music and Organist at First Presbyterian Church in Ft. Worth and most recently as Director of Music at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Austin. In 2010 his doctoral thesis, An Old Look at Schumann’s Organ Works, was published in the United States and Europe, celebrating the composer’s 200th birthday. Robert frequently serves as adjudicator for choral and organ competitions. He often concertizes with his wife, Dolores, performing a variety of music from early to modern, including organ, piano, harpsichord, flute, piccolo, and baroque flute.

A chapter dinner will precede this event for members and their guests. Reservations has closed for this event.

Earlier Event: February 16
Choral Evensong with Concert
Later Event: May 4
Bachathon XLVI